One of the most common types of disputes that appear in the United Arab Emirates is the rental dispute. When the tenant and landlord are mature enough, then the dispute is resolved very quickly and amicably. However, there are certain situations in which there is just one way, and it is proceeding with the necessary legal action. There is always a possibility that the relationship between the landlord and tenant can become stressed Let us learn what are some of the common reasons that give birth to rental dispute:

- Increasing rent all of a sudden

- Serving eviction notice without any strong reason

- Deducting security notice without any valid reason

- Disconnecting all the necessary facilities such as water and electricity

- Keeping the tenant in the dark regarding any defect in property

Consult with the best advocate Dubai to get the best advice. In the beginning, an attempt should be made to settle the complex rental disputes in an amicable manner. However, if the parties are not reaching any settlement, filing the suit is the only option left.

In case the tenant has finally decided to lodge a rental dispute against the landlord, it is necessary to have the documents such as passport, resident visa, tenancy contract, Emirates ID, recent bills of electricity, copies of bank statements showing the financial transactions, recent deposit slips etc. The tenant should also keep the copies of any correspondence such as emails exchanged with the tenant.

The tenancy law

In the UAE, most of the people are immigrants. So, the government considers it a duty to ensure that the interest of any party is not affected. With the help of the best legal services UAE, you can learn more about the tenancy law. Some important legal and technical aspects that you must know are as follows:

It is the duty of the landlord to take care of repair and maintenance. The fixing of the damage should be done from the side of the landlord. Only if the damage has been caused by the tenant, it is his or her duty to fix the damage.

If any urgent repair work has been undertaken by the tenant, it is the duty of the landlord to reimburse the money to the tenant.

If the tenant is unable to use the property due to any defect and the landlord is failing to fulfill his or her duty, then the tenant can cancel the lease. Both the parties must read the contract very carefully before proceeding further. You must approach the best advocates and legal consultants in Dubai to get a very strong representation in the court of law. The experienced lawyers know how to handle complex technical disputes. The lawyers with proven track records always manage to deliver great results in the end. Experienced and well-versed lawyers also have updates about any recent change in law.